Thrown Together Piecemeal Episode SF 2022 E16

No one can cobble together an improvisational episode like Wes and his talented co-host Chad Harlan. They make it look so natural you’d never guess they were playing it by ear. This may even be the best hour of total BS you’ve seen in a while.

Wes and Chad cover an array of topics like parking woes in Lexington, pop up trivia events, upcoming film releases, and even a short chat about the state of the Scarefest Film Festival. We also get a few celebrity guest announcements as well as try to determine if there really is any such thing as a good karaoke bar.

In our regular features, Joe Lewis shares his opinion of the new Marvel horror/superhero movie DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS. Big bonus: we also get Wes and Chad’s input on the movie as well.