On tonight’s episode Wes comes to us live from the Louisville Supercon, a three day celebration of all things geek. Joining him is pop-culture co-host Holly LaFavers, who may just be the younger female version of Wes from a parallel dimension. Even though the crew faced some questionable internet and some tremendously long walks to get to the booth, they were more than happy with the friendly crowds and abundance of accessible drink options.
During the course of the episode we learned a little about Holly. She is a licensed therapist, has been to every Scarefest since day one, is a wrestling fanatic, and is huge fan of Kentucky native John Carpenter. Holly is a well traveled convention goer, typically visiting 4-6 per year locally, and admits that she is a bit of a skeptic of the paranormal. Viewing through the perspective of a therapist, Holly sees how the paranormal could be strongly connected to mental health and psychology. She also gives us her thoughts on EVP phenomenon and the differences between a spiritual experience and a paranormal experience.
During their time Wes and Holly are visited by Billy Crank, co-host and Ernest P. Worrell impersonator (or is he?). Billy chats briefly about his Ernest character as a way of life and the joy it brings people. Know what I mean? Closing the show, we have a visit by Jake who lets us know that the Supercon was good because he wasn’t leaving angry.
The show will take a more direct focus on horror topics in future episodes as the paranormal topics will be moving to a second segment of the broadcast and a few questions are brought up in regard to the show. What do fans want to hear on Scarefest Radio? How does Wes go about getting more fan interaction? And…what exactly was stuck in Wes’ headphones at the start of the show? Inquiring minds want to know.

Louisville Supercon is Nov 22-24, 2019 at the Kentucky International Convention Center - Louisville Supercon
LOUISVILLESupERCON Join us for a FESTIVAL of fandom! NOV 22 – 24 at the Kentucky International Convention Center! Meet Celebrity and Creative Guests from Comics, Movies, TV, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Anime, Cartoons, Video Games, Wrestling and more! SEE LIVE EVENTS Louisville Supercon features over …