Heather Dobson Memoirs of a Future Ghost SF13 E40

It’s a delve into the metaphysical world as Wes and co host Chad Harlan welcome Heather Dobson, author and cofounder of Paranormal Georgia Investigations, to discuss Heather’s book, MEMOIRS OF A FUTURE GHOST, as well as the supernatural in general.

Along the way, Heather explains where the title of her book originated, what led to her interest in the paranormal, equipment preferences, and if she feels her exposure to the paranormal has made her more sensitive or skeptical. Check out her website afutureghost.com for more information on Heather and her work.

Our regular features bring us sharks from FakeShemp, vampire and haunting classics from the Week in Horror, and horror comedies from Joe Lewis. Plus, Dick Pinkerton returns with another tale of True Horror.

The big question that remains is, can ghosts REALLY smell when someone is BS’ing?