
You can watch our YouTube feed right here from this page.

This livestream is on a delay. It should go LIVE by 9:05 Eastern Time on Fridays.

Meanwhile our Social Media viewing options are listed below.

Our show goes out via Facebook Live on The Scarefest Weekend convention page. This feed is also probably the best to interact with horror fans via the live chat. Naturally this is also the best place to keep up with current Scarefest news.

Host Wes Forsythe also simulcasts the live feed to his own Facebook profile page. Many of Wes’ friends and fans choose this feed to chat with each other. By the way: If you like slightly irreverent memes you will love Wes’ Facebook timeline.

Another feed goes to our Scarefest Weekend Fan Group on Facebook. Basically we are just trying trying to not be missed while you are looking at memes. Facebook recently made multistreaming to this page more difficult, but we still try to be there.

Our X/Twitter video feed is BACK! We broadcast to the Scarefest Weeknd Twitter page but cannot monitor your Twitter comments during the show. If Twitter is your social media outlet of choice, we are there.

Our primary video feed goes live to our YouTube archive page. It’s a great feed to watch via full screen on either your Television or computer screen. You may leave comments there and we do monitor the chat during the live show. You will also find our complete archive. Be sure to subscribe so that you will be notified whenever we go live or upload a new archive or video.


Our latest project has been to add a live feed to The Scarfest Weekend Instagram profile. We now have a properly formatted live feed to Instagram for most episodes! (Instagram will not allow horizontal video so it “trims” standard video to portrait size and does so badly) Unfortunately we cannot easily monitor the live chat from Instagram, but since it is there and they will let us do it, we did.


We have launched The Best of Scarefest TV on the Scarefest Weekend TikTok channel. We plan on eventually adding the live broadcast and our other content.